Azure Functions Isolated Worker

Sentry provides an integration with Azure Functions Isolated Worker through the Sentry.AzureFunctions.Worker NuGet package. All triggers are supported.


Add the Sentry dependency:

Install-Package Sentry.AzureFunctions.Worker -Version 

You can combine this integration with a logging library like log4net, NLog, or Serilog. The logging integration also capture events when an error is logged.


All ASP.NET Core configurations are valid here. But one configuration in particular is relevant.

FlushOnCompletedRequest ensures all events are flushed out. This is because the general ASP.NET Core hooks for when the process is exiting are not guaranteed to run in a serverless environment. This setting ensures that no event is lost if AWS recycles the process.

var host = new HostBuilder()
    .ConfigureFunctionsWorkerDefaults((host, builder) =>
        builder.UseSentry(host, options =>
            // o.Dsn = "<DSN>";
            options.EnableTracing = true;
            // When configuring for the first time, to see what the SDK is doing:
            // options.Debug = true;
await host.RunAsync();


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